MyPoint PowerPoint Remote

  • Remote control PowerPoint Presentations running on your computer
  • Free App - no limit on number of slides or size of the presentation
  • Enhanced features (Pointer, Pen, Timer) available via In-App purchase

MyPoint PowerPoint Presentation Pro

  • Remote control PowerPoint Presentations
  • Full iPad support with portrait, landscape, and fullscreen modes
  • Load a presentation onto your iPhone, iPod, or iPad to
    - rehearse the presentation on the go
    - show it on a display or projector without a computer
  • Enhanced features (Pointer, Pen, Timer) already included

Compare MyPoint PowerPoint Remote to MyPoint PowerPoint Presentation Pro:

Feature MyPoint PowerPoint Remote MyPoint PowerPoint Presentation Pro
Slide navigation: back / next / goto
Display slide preview and notes
Find computer on WiFi via Bonjour
Animation progress bar
Display current screen during animations
Pointer "Marker" In-App Purchase
Pen "Marker"" In-App Purchase
Timer "Timer"" In-App Purchase
Rehearse presentation on the go
Show via VGA adapter or Apple TV (no computer needed)
iPhone - Portrait mode
iPod touch - Portrait mode
iPad - Portrait mode compatible mode
iPad - Landscape mode
iPad - Full screen mode

MyPoint significantly improves the experience of a presentation for both the speaker and the audience:

  • The presenter and audience can face each other. The presenter doesn't need to turn around any more to see what slide is currently shown - a glimpse on his iPhone is sufficient.
  • Important comments or notes on a slide won't be forgotten - the notes for the actual slide are visible to the speaker.
  • Smooth transitions to the next slide - the presenter can take a look at the preview of the next slides and knows already what comes next before the slide is shown.
  • Requests from the audience to go back to a certain slide can be fulfilled in an instant - the presenter can flip through the slides and pick the one that is requested.